Thursday, February 26, 2015

San Diego, California & H2O

San Diego, California             and Water. 

San Diego is a beautiful city which has desert environment. It importing 80% water from hundreds of miles away through the Colorado River and the California Water Project. 20% of the San Diego County's water supply generally come from California State Water Project. Runoff from Northern California to water agencies across the state.

San Diego is growing. Continuing population and economic growth in San Diego. Local water sources, like the accumulation from rainfall, which are held in reservoirs are important of the San Diego region's water supply. San Diego County plans to meet the demand projection is going to increase in water by adding water desalination projection and recycled water. Which have serious meaning with water conservation.

Climate change and global warming will lead to severe events about droughts and recording heat, reducing water. The city's population is going to grow and people need more water. So that, the city must have available plans that can supply water to citizens.


During class, we analyzed the graph that shows us clearly about the region's water supplies and
demand through 2050, compare with and without climate change. The first three columns that show water supplies sources and demand without the affects and the consequences of climate change, global warming, no droughts. The 4th measurement measure demand and supply with climate change. The question mark shows that it met more of water conservation.

Some of water-saving methods are replace landscaping using grass; high efficiency washing machines in homes; rain barrels to collect water from roofs and gutters. They are all can be used to water the garden, water some objects, etc; These methods are include rebates.

All of the new supplies and conservation will get enough water for citizens and increase as much events about droughts and recording heat as possible. And there is no more problems about not get enough water when the population is going to growth. 

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