Thursday, February 26, 2015

San Diego, California & H2O

San Diego, California             and Water. 

San Diego is a beautiful city which has desert environment. It importing 80% water from hundreds of miles away through the Colorado River and the California Water Project. 20% of the San Diego County's water supply generally come from California State Water Project. Runoff from Northern California to water agencies across the state.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Extinction of the Dinosaurs

The article The Death of the Dinosaurs published by The New York Times. The author is Peter Brannen on Jan 31, 2015. This is talking about 2 hypothesis that explained how the dinosaurs extinct in many many years ago. And this is the link:

For along time ago, the dinosaurs were extinct. One of the first hypothesis explained what happened that time is from geologist Gerta Keller of Princeton. These dinosaurs were killed not by the lava itself, but by the environmental catastrophe unleashed by the volcanic gases. It was the end time of global warming, acid raining and acidifying oceans that might sound familiar today as vast body of scientific research warns us of our own developing ecological crisis.